Alpha Troop

2nd Squadron/17th Cavalry

101st Airborne Division ( Airmobile )

Alumni Association

Important Notice from VA on Agent Orange


I am writing to let you know that the regulations pertaining to service
connection for herbicide exposure has been revised. This change may
qualify certain Vietnam Era veterans for disability compensation.

On the basis of the March 14, 1996 National Academy of Science's Institute
of Medicine's report, "Veterans and Agent Orange: Update 1996", which
provides information concerning the health effects of exposure to Agent
Orange and other herbicides used in Vietnam during the Vietnam Era,
Secretary Brown authorized the expansion of the current list of conditions
that are presumed to be related to military service. Now, veterans who
served in Vietnam may qualify for compensation for prostate cancer and
acute and subacute peripheral neuropathy based on exposure to
herbicides. These two conditions will be added to the current list of
conditions that we presume are the result of exposure to herbicides which
includes chloracne or otheracneform diseases; Hodgkin's disease;
multiple myeloma; non-Hodgkin's lymphoma; porphyria cutanea tarda;
cancer of the lung, bronchus, larynx or trachea; and soft tissue-sarcoma.

The VA has established an Agent Orange Registry. You may telephone the
VA for assistance and additional information by dialing it's toll-free
telephone number 1-800-827-1000

Under Secretary for Benefits
Veterans Administration


The 800 number may be your best starting point. Secondly, the blue
section of your phone book should have the number of the nearest VA
Office. Each state has a major VA facility in it's capitol. Most Agent
Orange officers are located there. The American Legion, Veterans of
Foreign Wars, and Disabled American Veterans all have trained officers to
assist you in this matter--no fee. They usually have an office near your
county government offices.

When interviewed, your DD214 and medal citations (showing A Troop as
your unit ) will help identify you. It will take some time for the VA to confirm
A/2/17 Cav as one of the units that worked and slept in the stuff. Don't be
concerned with the delay. We, as a unit in the Ashau Valley and Khe Sanh,
made the list.

Please print a copy of the disease list from our web site, and ask your
doctor to post it on the fly of your medical file. He will be reminded to
watch for signs of these diseases. Early detection can save your life.

Note: The list of conditions being monitored may expand. Please, be
careful to name ANY AND ALL medical concerns you have experienced.
Failing to name something up front may compromise helping you later.
Include concerns of your children, also. Our death stats are used to add
other cancers, etc. Sadly, most of these cancers are a death watch-- no

For my part, choracne has nailed my face and back. Another concern
of mine has not made the list--yet. In 1969, chronic fatigue was
accompanied by weeping puss from the top of my rear end throughout the
groin area. Since returning, two surgeries (in private hospitals) have not
helped. Now days, I must wash twice daily to control the stench and
infection. I have mentioned this to impress on you the importance of being
prepared, BEFORE an interview with the AO officer. Know your medical
history, and have a list with you on the day of the interview. A matter you
wrestle with today, may make the list another time.

Note: You do NOT have to prove service connection. Merely having a
disease listed is considered Agent Orange related.

I hope this is of some help

Duane Acord

Service connection is going to be granted for DIABETES as a result of
herbicide exposure as soon as the final regulation is written and listed in
the Federal Register.

Also, a couple of years ago, VA granted service connection to Children of
Vietnam veterans who were born with Spina Bifida. The monthly allowance
is set at three levels, depending upon the degree of disability suffered by
the child.

Keith Harmon

For further information, contact Duane Acord or Keith Harman

Thanks to Duane and Keith for this information.

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